Dark clouds have cast over film stars Sreenath Bhasi and Prayaga Martin, suspicious of taking part in the drug party organized by gangster Om Prakash. Amidst the hue and cry over the case, Prayaga posted a story on Instagram purportedly scoffing at the ongoing controversy. At the same time, the actress is also facing cyber-attacks over the case.
It is now reported that the actress has responded to some online portals.
“I won’t do drugs. I have taken a hiatus from movies and am focusing on my health indulging in a vegetarian diet and yoga. There is no need to be silent on false propaganda. The police have not called me yet. If they summon me, I can easily go and give the statements. No worries," said Prayaga.
Prayaga Martin's mother, Gigi Martin, denied the allegations on Monday saying that she talked with her daughter and confirmed her innocence in the case.