KANNUR: Former Kannur district panchayat president P P Divya has filed a police complaint against a person for his obscene comments on social media. Divya shared this on Facebook along with a note saying that all women should get the same justice that actress Honey Rose got. She also shared the details and screenshots of the person who posted the obscene comment.
‘The abuse and insults against women on social media are rising. The entry of women in all fields is a declaration of their freedom. There is a large section that is disturbed by it. For some, it is a place to say obscene things. The faces of such people are often invisible. The approach they have towards their mother, sister and wife is the same as what they do on social media,' Divya wrote on Facebook.
Divya registered a case at the Kannur Women's Police Station against Vimal for his obscene comments. Screenshots of comments that severely insult Divya and her daughter have surfaced. Many have already come forward in support of Divya.