Kerala Kaumudi Online
Wednesday, 01 May 2024 12.38 PM IST

State with intensive plan to increase Covid testing, Minister says testing will be ramped up in districts where vaccination is low


THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: Health Minister Veena George has said that the health department has launched an intensive program to screen as many cases as possible in the state. Intensive testing is done to detect those who are Covid positive as soon as possible and reduce the spread of the disease. Testing will be made more widespread in low-vaccination districts. Maximum number of people will be examined, focusing on the locations and clusters where the disease is detected. The inspections will focus on health workers, Covid frontline workers, traders and various homes. People have to take the initiative themselves for the test. Early detection of the disease can save both themselves and their family. She said free testing facility is available at all government hospitals.

Sample collection will be done directly in the cluster area and through camps. Steps have also been taken to provide test results without delay. Everyone who comes in contact with people who are symptomatic, at risk, or positive should be screened for fevers, colds, and sore throats. People with respiratory problems and serious illnesses should be tested to make sure they are not affected by Covid, even if they have minor symptoms. Caution should be exercised in such cases as Covid can be severe. Anyone who attends public ceremonies, such as weddings and funerals, should be tested if any of the attendees test positive.

The Covid testing system, which was first available only at Alappuzha NIV on January 30, 2020, when the first case of Covid was reported, is now available across the state. Antigen testing can be done at all government hospitals in the state. RTPCR testing is done in over 120 government and private sector labs. Covid testing is also done through 14 mobile labs.

In terms of testing, Kerala has adopted the scientific method of test per million by case per million. The number of tests also increased as the number of cases increased. The Covid daily tests in the state were increased upto 1,99,456 (03.08.2021).

Tests in government labs and private labs are coordinated through the Laboratory Diagnosis and Management System (LDMS) portal, a unified online system. It is codified by the District Covid Control Room and the State Covid Control Room. There is also a facility for people to know the test results directly through mobile.

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