THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: Greeshma, the accused in Parassala Sharon murder case has been discharged from Thiruvananthapuram Medical college. Greeshma was admitted to the medical college for treatment after she attempted suicide in the washroom of DYSP office in Nedumangad while she was in police custody. The accused was discharged after receiving a report that her health condition was satisfactory in the evaluation of the special medical team. Then Greeshma was transferred to jail.
Greeshma was discharged amid police allegations that the accused had deliberately remained in the hospital to avoid custodial interrogation. At present, Greeshma has been shifted to Women’s Prison, Attakulangara. The police had submitted an application today demanding custody of Greeshma's uncle and mother.
When Greeshma said that she wanted to go to the washroom, the female police officers in charge of security did not use the facility of the lockup and took her outside to another toilet. They did not check inside the washroom before the accused entered it. Also, they allowed to lock the door from inside. The preliminary examination revealed that the accused tried to commit suicide by drinking Lizol disinfectant inside the washroom and had injuries on her throat and food pipe. Two female police officers of Nedumangad station were suspended for the security breach in the incident.