THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: Hydrogen is the most eco-friendly fuel. The state government is planning to implement the Hydrogen Valley project to reduce the consumption of fossil fuels, including petrol and diesel. Finance Minister K.N. Balagopal said in the budget that Kerala, which has abundant water and sunlight, has the most suitable conditions for producing green hydrogen.
It has been announced that the Hydrogen Valley project will be implemented with a private-public partnership. A company will be formed for this. Rs 5 crore has been allocated for this as the initial phase. Hydrogen fuel can be used as fuel in vehicles, for electricity generation, and for household needs.
Bioethanol production
Meanwhile, the government has also announced the production of bioethanol. Bioethanol is added to petrol and other fuels to reduce greenhouse gas emissions during combustion. The government estimates that ethanol worth Rs 6,000 to 10,000 crore will be required in the state. If this can be produced in the state on a commercial basis, it will be a great relief to farmers. The government has allocated Rs 10 crore for promotion and research in this sector. However, it remains to be seen whether this will be beneficial for the state, which doesn't have self-sufficiency in the production of basic food items.