KOCHI: Actor Dileep released the voice message produced in the court against Balachandra Kumar. The actor exposed the Whatsapp message sent by Kumar. The audio contains Kumar requesting Dileep to talk to those the former owes money. Kumar also demanded to say a lie that a film would be made within four months. The message sent on April 14 in 2021 was publicised.
‘I don’t want to lengthen the issue. Talked to Sir about the things. Not sending this message with a bad intention to intimidate or upset Sir. This will not be passed to anyone else and will not create any problems over it. Sajid spoke contradictorily when called the other day. He asked Dileep if it was possible to announce the film. He told me that it would not happen. If not, will cancel the movie. He owes Jeemon George Rs 10 lakh. Kumar is heard saying that he calmed him saying about this film.
Meantime, the police have started a probe on a woman’s sexual abuse complaint against Kumar. The police will register her secret statement. The Kochi city police said that after taking her statement, a detailed investigation will be conducted. She lodged a complaint with the Kochi City police commissioner the other day. The Elamakkara police had registered a case against Kumar.
The complaint said that when she called Kumar for a job, he promised to give her a chance. After a month, he asked her to come to Ernakulam and then abused her on the top floor of a film lyricist’s house. When she told him that she would complain, Kumar threatened to circulate the visuals he had recorded.
Kumar had revealed that he was a witness to the conspiracy hatched by the accused, including Dileep, to kill the investigating officers in the case of attacking the actress. It was after this the woman came forward alleging that Kumar had sexually abused her ten years ago.