Youth Congress leader Rahul Mamkootathil mocked the incident of actor Vinayakan insulting officers at the Ernakulam North police station. Vinayakan shared a video of him talking to the police on Facebook.
Rahul shared the video with the caption, "Political correctness... culture.. purity of language... because Vinayakan is a comrade. A good real comrade." At around 4.30 pm yesterday, Vinayakan called the North Police Station from his flat in Kalur and complained about the fight with his wife and sought help. The police reached the flat and sought information. The police went back after understanding that financial transactions between Vinayakan and his wife related to the purchase of the flat were the cause of the dispute.
Vinayakan, who reached the North Station around 7.30 pm, raised a commotion by asking the police whether they would only listen to women's complaints. When the police team led by the circle inspector took Vinayakan to the Ernakulam General Hospital for medical examination, he created a commotion in the casualty also. The reason was the gathering of the people to see the actor.
The actor also shouted at the police officers. The hospital sources stated that after the patients and their companions were shifted from the vicinity, he gradually calmed down and cooperated with the examination. The actor was released on bail last night.