ALAPPUZHA: In a chilling incident, a school student in Alappuzha opened fire at his classmate in retaliation for a heated exchange. The incident happened in front of a government school in the city on Tuesday afternoon. It is alleged that the 16-year-old student used an air gun to shoot his classmate in rage over the latter using obscene remarks. Interestingly, no one was injured in the incident.
The two students had a heated exchange regarding the use of obscene remarks. During lunch break, the two decided to settle scores outside the school. The Alappuzha South Police interrogated the student after the school authorities filed a complaint over the incident.
An air gun and a knife were found in the house of the student. Two other students were also involved in the incident. As all three are minors, the police filed a report in the Juvenile Court. It is still not known how the air gun landed in their hands without the knowledge of parents.