Kerala Kaumudi Online
Friday, 14 June 2024 1.55 PM IST

Health card for people who handle food from 1st of February


THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: On account of issuing health cards for people who handle food, the shops once closed by the food safety authorities must also receive the training and hygiene rating to reopen. One must apply for reopening only after rectifying all the errors that were pointed out by the food safety officers when the restaurant was shut down in the first place. At that period, they must provide the statement of truth that the staff will go through food hygiene training and that they will register for hygiene rating within one month of reopening, said minister Veena George. Hygiene rating will be given based on cleanliness. All criterions necessary to get a 5-star rating must be met. Action will be taken against the one who produces or possess a fake certificate. The certificate in a prescribed format from a registered medical practitioner is needed, said Veena George.

This is compulsory for all the staff in stablishments that cook, distribute or sell food materials. Blood test and physical test has to be done to provide the certificate mentioned by the food safety department. The medical certificate received after the medical check specified by the food safety standers regulation has to be kept in the establishment.

There are chances of bacteria and viruses spreading from the people who are preparing the food. These steps are to make sure that there is no communicable disease, injuries, and diseases in the staff who handles the food.

Health card

  • Download medical fitness certificate from the FSSAI website
  • Contact the doctor for physical examination, skin diseases, eye sight checkups, cuts, bruises, and wounds.
  • Make sure to be vaccinated and free from communicable diseases
  • Certificate must have the signature and seal of the doctor. The validity of the certificate will be for one year.
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