Kerala Kaumudi Online
Saturday, 15 June 2024 1.28 AM IST

LDF faces challenges as TP murder case verdict impacts campaign momentum


THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: LDF took a step ahead in the parliamentary elections by fielding candidates, including top candidates, in all twenty Lok Sabha seats. However, the High Court verdict in the TP murder case put the CPM on the defensive. The fact that this verdict came on the same day State Secretary M V Govindan announced candidates for 15 seats in which the party is contesting was also a setback.

There is no doubt that the UDF and BJP will make this issue their main weapon in the election campaign. Even the death of one of the accused, P K Kunjananthan, during his stay in jail has been used as a weapon against the CPM and the opposition has gained another powerful tool. League leader KM Shaji had accused a week ago that there was a mystery in Kunjananthan's death and CPM has a tradition of eliminating those who are perceived as a threat. K Sudhakaran accepted this allegation with the aim of reigniting the TP issue in the parliamentary elections.

There is also an allegation raised by a section of the Congress that a top Congress leader and a constituent minister of the UDF had pressured him not to reach CPM Kozhikode district secretary C.N. Mohanan and above. Meanwhile, yesterday's High Court verdict revived the issue in the run-up to the elections.

TP case influenced the 2021 assembly elections, with RMP candidate K.K. Rema who contested in Vadakara with the support of UDF. Even the opponents do not allege that the CPM candidate from Vadakara, K K Shailaja had any role in the TP assassination conspiracy. But at the condolence meeting held after Kunjananthan's death, Shailaja praised him for his services to the party. Congressmen started circulating videos of that speech. Shailaja and the party are firmly confident that none of this will matter to the voters. The party will now devise strategies to overcome the crisis raised by the verdict.

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