THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: With heavy criticism coming their way, the Kerala government are considering options to change the job title allotted to IAS Vasuki. Earlier, the government appointed the former Thiruvananthapuram collector as the ‘foreign secretary’ of state to improve international interactions.
As per reports, the post will be changed from ‘foreign secretary’ to 'Nodal Officer'. In 2014, the Center suggested that states may appoint nodal officers to coordinate overseas demands. Kerala never used this provision but instead gave all duties to Norka to improve international relations. Former ambassador Venu Rajamony was appointed in 2021 and then Suman Billa succeeded.
The Ministry of External Affairs stated that with the appointment of Vasuki as Foreign Cooperation Secretary, the state has encroached on the power of the Central Government. The ministry also severely reprimanded the state and warned that any transaction with foreign countries must have the prior approval of the Union Ministry of External Affairs. Therefore, an attempt is being made to make IAS Vasuki the nodal officer and slowly douse the controversy.