NEW DELHI: In the wake of increasing terror attacks in Jammu and Kashmir, the central government has cancelled the posts of BSF Director General Nitin Agarwal and Special Director YB Khurania, repatriating them to their respective state cadres with immediate effect. Khurania was in charge of security along the Pakistan border. The rare and unusual disciplinary action is for failure to prevent infiltration, including by terrorists, across the border. The Cabinet Appointments Committee accepted the recommendation of the Union Home Ministry.
Nitin Agarwal is a 1989 batch Kerala cadre IPS officer. Khurania is a 1990 batch Odisha cadre officer. Agarwal was appointed as the BSF chief on 12 June 2023. It was valid till 30th July 2026. A graduate in Civil Engineering from IIT Delhi, Agarwal had earlier served as Additional Director General of CRPF Operations.