Kerala Kaumudi Online
Monday, 17 June 2024 1.48 AM IST

Zomato girl Adithya aims for IAS


THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: Adithya Vinod (21), a Zomato staff from Thiruvananthapuram, is doing food delivery girl on an Activa scooter to support her IAS dream.

Adithya, a first year student of MA Sociology at Kariyavattam Campus meets her study expenses through food delivery. She often travel by listening to classes on earphones.

Adithya left the Civil Service coaching during the Covid period as she could not afford the huge fees of the coaching academies. She needed a steady income job and continue civil service studies at the same time.

This is when she became a food delivery girl. She started food delivery on Zomato while studying BSc Physics at All Saints College. She mostly does food deliveries on days without class. Sometimes she does this after class till 6.30 pm. She gets a daily income of around Rs 600 - 1300. She has to pay college fee of Rs 5000. After deducting petrol and loan amount of Activa, she will save the balance money. She also earns by taking tution for children. She won't do food delivery when exams are near.

Adithya also did archery and boxing at All Saints and has won inter-college competition in archery. He is the Thiruvananthapuram district coordinator of an organization of children who have graduated from SVC (Student Volunteer Core).

Helping hand for mom

Adithya did he schooling at Manacaud Girls School. 16 years ago her father Vinod died of a heart attack. After that, she has to go through a difficult life. Her mother is an employee of Chala Market. She started her work at Zomato to avoid bothering hermother. Adithya has a sister named Arya, a BSc Nursing student. The family lives in Thiruvallam, Thiruvananthapuram.

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