CHENNAI: In a frightening incident, a Vande Bharat train had to be stopped after a passenger’s mobile phone exploded creating panic among others. The accident took place in a Vande Bharat train running to Mysore from Chennai Central Railway Station. It is reported that no one was injured in the accident.
The incident happened at 8 am on Wednesday near Vaniyambadi railway station in Tirupathur district of Tamil Nadu. It is reported that the phone of 31-year-old Kushnathkar was blown up in the accident. Jolarpet police registered a case and started an investigation.
Kushnathkar was travelling in a C11 coach of Chennai-Mysore Vande Bharat Express (20607). The police suspect the explosion occurred due to the Realme phone’s battery heating up. Passengers started screaming after they noticed smoke emanating from the toilet between C-11 and C-12 coaches. The train was immediately brought to a halt. The Vande Bharat Express resumed its journey at 8.35 after a delay of about 35 minutes.