MALAPPURAM: Health Minister Veena George's car collided with a scooter at Manjeri in Malappuram. The minister has been admitted to Manjeri Govt Medical College with minor injuries. The bikers were also injured in the accident. The accident happened while she was traveling to the landslide hit Wayanad.
It is reported that a special cabinet meeting will be convened today in connection with the Wayanad tragedy. There are also reports that the chief minister will visit the disaster area today. Governor Arif Mohammad Khan will also reach Wayanad today.
The rescue operations started in the morning at Meppadi Mundakkai, where a massive landslide struck. The death toll has risen to 153. The relatives have complained to the district administration that 211 people are missing. However, the government's official estimate is that 98 people are missing. 481 people have been rescued. 3069 people are staying in relief camps. 186 people are undergoing treatment in various hospitals. The death toll is expected to rise. It is also reported that eight more dead bodies have been recovered.
150 soldiers in four groups are engaged in the search operations in Chooralmala. Voluntary organizations are also supporting the army in the rescue operations. It is reported that the search of the fire brigade will start soon. Apart from this, the materials for the construction of Bailey Bridge are also being brought from Bengaluru. The revenue minister had the other day said that once the bridge is constructed, the rescue operations will be speeded up.